Yes the Foundation is a registered charity and has a dedicated page on the Charity Commission’s website, which you can view by visiting here.

The Charity Commission for England and Wales is the non-ministerial government department that regulates registered charities in England and Wales and maintains the Central Register of Charities.

Our UK registered charity number is 1176129.

The number of lives  directly Saved or significantly Improved is collated from the diligent monitoring of data and information provided by the individual charities which have received grants. The number only relates to the amount of funding in £s, which the Foundation has provided. 

Please see the definitions below for further clarification on how we define directly saving a life and significantly improving a life: 

Lives Directly Saved: An individual whose life is directly saved is a life that was at serious and credible risk of loss before the provision of grant funding and, as a result of expenditure of the grant funding directly or indirectly for the benefit of the individual, has significantly lowered the risk of loss of life.

Lives Significantly Improved: A significant improvement in the quality of life of an individual is achieved where grant funded expenditure directly enables a long term or permanent betterment of an individual’s life chances, personal circumstances or physical or mental health.

To make an enquiry for grant funding or to request more information, please visit our Contact Us page. There is an online form there, which will be sent directly to the Foundation. 

The Foundation currently provides grants to UK based registered charities or organisations. Should you require further clarification, please visit our Contact Us page and fill out the online enquiry form. 

The Randal Charitable Foundation is open to hear from causes which require smaller grants (< £3,000), as well as for large scale funding. 

Applicants should ensure that their application is specific about the request for funding, clearly provides an evidence based proposal for the grant required and shows the cost effectiveness of the cause. 

Causes should approach funding requests by stating the exact amount needed to enable them to continue their work/ project. 

It is important that charities are specific about where funding is lacking and how a grant from the Randal Charitable Foundation will enable the charity to continue to carry out its operations/ project effectively.  

The Foundation funds one-off causes as well as projects that span over multiple years. Occasionally, it may also provide general funding for charities/causes on a specific case by case basis.

To begin the application process, applicants must first make an enquiry to the Foundation. This should include the below information: 

The organisation’s details such as:

• Name, contact details and registered charity or company number (If applicable)

• An overview of the organisation’s objectives and focus

• The organisation’s area of operation (this may be different to the registered address)

• The specific cause/project the funding is for

• Total funding required in UK pounds (£)

• Please state if the enquiry is time sensitive

Enquiries can be sent via the online Contact Us page

The Foundation aims to reply to all enquiries via email promptly.

Should the Trustees wish to progress an enquiry, the applicant will be asked to send additional information to support their enquiry or complete the Foundation’s Grant Application Form.

The Foundation aims to respond to all completed Grant Application Forms within 12 weeks via email.

Please see our Applications page, which has full details on all information required by the Trustees. 

This includes: 

  • The latest Trustees’ Report, Safeguarding Policy, latest Financial Statements and Full Budget
  • Charity Details from the Charity Commission Website

The Foundation supports causes connected to health, mental health, addiction, poverty, education and social disadvantage, with a particular emphasis on those which demonstrate they are able to directly Save Lives. 

For more detail about all of these areas please visit the Our Work section. 

To find out more about the Foundation’s Governance and our approach to the grant application and decision making process visit the About Us section.     

You can also find information on all of the grants, which the Foundation has provided so far in the Grant Giving section, as well as latest news in the News & Blog  section.

The Foundation requires clear forecasted numbers for expected lives directly Saved and expected lives significantly Improved within all completed applications and would request an update on these figures should there be any changes based on the funding value approved. 

Following the completion of the Grant Funding period, the Foundation requires an updated evidence based total on the actual number of lives directly Saved and actual number of lives significantly Improved by the grantee, as well as full data on how the funds were utilised. 

This data is captured within our 12 month Monitoring Form and is used within the charts illustrated on our Home page. 

All enquiries and applications are reviewed by the Foundation’s Trustees. You can find more information on our Governance page, which also includes Trustee information.

The Foundation sends out both 6 and 12 month monitoring forms to all charities/organisations who have received grant funding. 

Once a completed grant monitoring form is received, it is carefully reviewed to ensure the funds are being utilised for the purpose agreed and in a cost effective manner, as per the agreed Terms and Conditions set out upon the grant.

We request that all causes which have received grants, fully complete the Foundation’s monitoring form. 

The areas we particularly focus on are clear evidence on how the funds were used, if targets were achieved, what the changes to the project/cause were and outline any challenges. 

We also ask whether any safeguarding concerns arose during the funding period and if the timescales outlined within the original application/proposal were achieved (eg. project completion).

Finally, but as importantly, we monitor if the number of Lives Directly Saved and Lives Significantly Improved estimated within the original application/proposal align with actual numbers.

We require high quality, accurate information/ evidence from all grant receiving causes, specifically in relation to the figures provided for the number of Lives Directly Saved and Lives Significantly Improved.

This data is used within the charts illustrated on our Home page. 

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